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Menhir Höhnstedt
Menhir Höhnstedt

Near the fence of a vegetable fruit pantation stands this menhir. With the help of my camera stand I could take some pictures from "within".

These standing stones were erected by prehistoric cultures. Some must have been transported over far distances. They were used for cultural and structuring purposes. For some, it can be understood from astro archeologic view point, that there are calendar events, as you may see the sun rise in line with a prominent hill on aequinoxes and the longest and shortest days in the year, if you stand beside such a calendar stone. As nature was understood rather spiritual in these years, these locations marked were also viewed as sacred. Modern chiselers also are busy leaving ther personal marks on i.e. Alsbach, which is also a good example for a calendar stone.
During history and the middle ages, many were used as landmarks. Most elderly inhabitants know these smaller stones. They are protected by law.

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Town:6179 Höhnstedt
Administration:Mansfelder Seekreis
Picture file name:imgq3850.jpg
Picture date:05.04.2009 13:11:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012