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Kleinenkneter Big Stones I
Kleinenkneter Big Stones I

This giant's bed is bounded with mighty megaliths. It has outline dimensions of 50m x 7m. In the mid is a roughly rectangular chamber of 6.8m x 2.1m-2.4m x 1.6m inner measures. After analysis, the grave was reconstructed including the giant's bed. The back side of the chamber was left open to have light inside the chamber for demonstration.
Hunebed I - as well as Hunebed II - was excavated between 1934 and 1939. Over 10000 pieces of pottery, some axes and arrowheads, amber beads and a small copper disc were found. Cited from the info board

Those graves were used for a whole kin. Some walls have more than 100 m in length and contain two or more stone chambers. They were in use for long periods. The walls were bordered with "smaller" erratic blocks, that now are often missing.

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Town:27793 Kleinenkneten
Sprockhoff ID:957
Picture file name:imgp6709.jpg
Picture date:24.05.2004 13:11:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012